Cleopatra knew it

To be honest, I don’t know if it is just a rumour or if she really did it, but for now we think that she took milk baths. But it doesn’t matter if she really did, what we know for sure is: Milk is good for the skin. And so is honey. I do that…


Origami is the art of folding paper into amazing objects. Like birds. And it is something to focus and calm the mind. If you got a talent for it. In my case – not so much. When I saw this scene, it reminded me of the time I tried it in search of something to…

Badass Chick

Sometimes I am really in the mood for a blog post, but where to get an idea? I am not sponsored at all (yet), so usually I get an idea either by seeing a pose I love, by a song I hear, or an outfit I get. But today I was lost. Until a friend…

Swirling thoughts

Most of the nights, when I go to bed, my head gets a life of it’s own. Fragments of sentences of the say seem to swing through the room, and my head spins as if it wants to ponder on everything I heard or deal with at the same time. That is when I get…


When I saw this outfit from Addams, it immediately reminded me of my favorite outfit in the 80s. Yes yes I know, we all think of different colors, we think of shoulderpads that made us look like huge closets, we think of blue netshirts pulled over green t-shirts. And yes, I also wore that too….

Show some respect!

One thing I noticed on SL pretty much since I logged on the very first time about nine years ago, something that made me mad several times lately: The lack of respect by some people. Eight out of ten conversations start like “Hi…. how are you.. where are you from… are you married.. do you…

Who will take me for a ride?

Bikes and me – weird relationship. On SL, I am an awesome driver. Although I own a few bikes, I am still the leader on the “who hit the wall the most times” leaderboard. No wall too far away for me, no bush to small to hit it. My aim at least is perfect^^ To…

Long Night Ahead

Tonight is the night I need lots of coffee, will curl up on my couch and watch TV. It’s the night of The Oscars again. Yes. I am that crazy ^^. And since I am several hours ahead of the USA, it will be a loooong night. Last year I went to bed when my…

Quality Night Preparations

Friends and I had an interesting talk about how we would do a quality night with our significant other. Little trivia: In german we call them “our better half”. Not really sure if that always fits :D Back to topic. It was interesting to see how differently the girls thought about that. For one it…

This is what you get…

… when you eat your icecream too fast. Seriously, don’t do it. This weird feeling of a cramp right behind your eyebrow is just… Soooo, my dears, how many of you already: smoked a whole package? Ate a bag of potatoe chips? I know one of you did ^^ And before you tell me “oh…