One more please

Yeah, I hear you already. “One more of what?” .. you ask. “you can have more than one of…” I can hear you guys say. And those of you who know the place where I took this picture will defenitely be eager to give me one more of… hey I won’t tell! My lil secret!…

WWW ~ Weekend & Wine & Whiskey

At least that is the plan. It is Friday! Here in my city rl it is even the best season of all, what we call “the 5th season”. Carnival. But the weather is ugly, and so my bestie told me “I’ll get me some wine Friday”. Which basically means that I should get me some…

Je suis sin.. cynful

I always try to tell you all a little bit that goes with the pictures. Be it about Bish Box, be it a short little story, or maybe just some music. Today I am at a loss. I just got accepted by a new sponsor, and considering how new I am at blogging I am…

Bye Felicia

I recently learned what that term means. And who Felicia is. I wish I could show you the conversation when I tried to find out who she is and who left now. It still makes me laugh. I never thought that constantly learning new things could be *such* fun ^^ But there was much much…

Loving the old things

That is something I love. Grandma’s old sewing machine. Or, like on this photo, that old bike. Typewriter, books, pictures. Everything that has that feel and smell of history gives me goosebumps. Since it is almost weekend I don’t want to babble around. Have a great Friday night, do nothing I wouldn’t do either *winks*…

Weekend Vacation *yay*

Finally Friday! Time to get out. Time to take a short trip to that place we always wanted to visit. Time to party! And while I grab my camera and bag and the phone with the gps thingy – yes, a girl can read that :P – I explore Templemore a little more before tonight…

Monday again ….

… oh how we love that, don’t we? Still thinking of the parties we had two or three days ago. Maybe still tired. And then there was that nice guy we met. So what do we do? We go outside, having a smoke break and check on our messages ;) Be it Facebook, Whats App,…

Don’t mess with us!

Now don’t we look pretty feisty? I don’t know why, but today I am in a pretty bitchy mood. No wonder I put my combat boots on. SO unusual for me, I so love my high heels. One of the things I so love about SL. One can run around in those heels for hours…

Lil Miss Pocket Tyrant

Bento Bento Bento Bento… everywhere Bento. Everyone crazy about Bento. Middle fingers everywhere. And I swear never in my life did I see so many tongues sticked out as the past days when I went through Flickr. For now I am not (yet) crazy about the heads. I don’t want to stick my tongue out,…

Take me to the beach

So as I was looking at the poses at Image Essentials I saw this one, and I soo wanted to blog it. But what do you do when you are a single girl? You grab your best friend and tell him “go shopping, buy this, and wear that, and get on this pose” He was…