Coffee To Go

Don’t I just look as if I just did some good workout? Yeah, keep dreaming. Me and workout – love-hate relationship. Although, I consider a day of housecleaning a perfect workout. And I just keep it to that. Coffee though… I do a lot for that. So promise me some coffee at the end… and…

Amazed by Talent

Talent is something that amazes me the most. Yes I know, our society these days is focused on hard work, and don’t get me wrong, I have so much respect for everyone who works hard day by day. Talent is something we can not control. We have it, or not. And we all are different,…

Sexy or not – Sassy

Sassy is a word that describes best what and who influenced my life and me. It describes how I can be (sometimes). It is the name of the little dog that made me fall in love with Chihuahuas for the rest of my life. And first and foremost it is the nickname – one of…

When the Mood Strikes – Build or Destroy

That is how I woke up this morning. Yesterday I had some checks on my back, since my backpain turned me into a psychotic bitch lately. I am used to backpain all my life, so I thought “ah well, some massages, and the acupunture that always helped, and we are done”. Well… one hour later…